How To Gain Thousands of Followers on Instagram Everyday – Part 4

How to save time and effort in building your instagram account?

After reading previous parts, you might be shouting: That’s lot of works every day!!!

Yes, especially when you do all this manually. Time is precious for everyone, so now we will introduce you with some tools that can help you.

Please take note these tools require investment, they are not free. But if you use them right, you will be getting back your investment real soon.

Disclaimer: Using bot on any Social Media will risk your account. You account will be banned and there will be no way for you to recover your account. We do not recommend use of bot on Social Media. The contents below are mean for informational sharing only. We take no responsibility in anyone who use our guide on their Social Media account.  Continue reading “How To Gain Thousands of Followers on Instagram Everyday – Part 4”

How To Gain Thousands of Followers on Instagram Everyday – Part 3

How to make money with Instagram

There are a lot of ways to make money with Instagram.

  1. Sell your own products / services
  2. Promote Affiliate Products
  3. Selling shoutout
  4. Promote contents with content locker (CPA)

Here we will discuss on how to make money with CPA. CPA means Cost Per Action. Income is generated by an action of user, usually by completing survey, submit their mobile number, download a program or submit their email / zip code. There is no sales involve here. Continue reading “How To Gain Thousands of Followers on Instagram Everyday – Part 3”

How To Gain Thousands of Followers on Instagram Everyday – Part 2

how to get more followers on instagram

How can I get followers on specific location, or country?

If you are building your Instagram account for your local business, for sure you won’t need followers from around the world. Having a big followers account surely look convincing, but you are not getting real targeted followers. Here we will teach you how to get followers based on your location.

  1. Like, follow, comment on a local celebrities follower’s photos and videos.
  2. Like, follow, comment on local brand’s followers
  3. Like, follow, comment on your competitor’s followers

You can expand the list above, there are a lot of things that only exists on a specific location. Continue reading “How To Gain Thousands of Followers on Instagram Everyday – Part 2”

How To Gain Thousands of Followers on Instagram Everyday – Part 1

how to get more followers on instagram

Almost everyone wants to become popular on Instagram. When you have a large following, you command respect from everyone who views your profile.

Being popular on Social Media is important if you are an individual or a business. When you are popular as an individual you will look cool and worthy of attention. When your business is popular it will look reputable and high-quality.

In this 5 parts of guide, we will show you how to get more followers on Instagram. There are several options for you, we will discuss them one by one.

Disclaimer: We in no way reliable or held responsible for anything you do with this guide. This guide is meant for informational purposes only. Everything in this guide can make you money, but you need to take strong action. We do not guarantee success, but please understand that taking action is required on your part to see results.

So what will I learn from this? First questions you will ask. Here are the summary of what you will learn after finish reading this long guide:

  1. How to grow a big Instagram Account with hundred of thousands of REAL, TARGETED, GENUINE followers.
  2. How to get followers of a specific location, area, country and how to improve the engagement rate of your followers?
  3. How to make money with Instagram?
  4. How to save time and effort by using tool to build Instagram?

how to get more followers on instagram

No matter how good is the information, the most important ingredient in your success in Instagram is ACTION and PATIENT. Use what you learn immediately and wait for the result to happen. You can’t build a house in a day.

Ok, enough motivational talk, let’s jump in.

Continue reading “How To Gain Thousands of Followers on Instagram Everyday – Part 1”